Wednesday, 30 August 2006

College Confusion!

I woke up this morning feeling really down.  Our local newspaper had printed an article about last week’s GCSE Results.  After reading that article, mum looked at me and said “Those students worked so hard, you could have done better.



That was like a kick in the teeth.  I couldn’t help what sets I was in for certain subjects and I could only get certain grades.  At the end of the day I passed all my GCSE’s.  Some may have not been good passes, but getting D’s & E’s are better than getting a U (unclassified).  So what’s she talking about?



Last week I received a letter from the college saying a taxi had been arranged to pick me up on Monday.  I thought this was weird because I sent them a slip saying I wouldn’t be attending the course and explained my reasons why.  Obviously they don’t read their mail!



I spoke to someone at the college who said I should’ve rung on Results day.  I know I should’ve but I was so excited the thought never entered my head.  I explained that I wouldn’t be attending the course and I would be returning to school instead.



The college rung AGAIN this morning.  They wanted my GCSE results urgently.  At this point I got really frustrated with the college.  I just wish they would accept my decision, quit pestering me and leave me be.  Also I will have to ring the taxi office to confirm the taxi has been cancelled.  I expect it will turn up on Monday, though.



I don’t know when I am starting school.  I think we return with the first year on Tuesday but some people say Wednesday.  I have an interview with the Head of Sixth Form, Mr. G on Tuesday afternoon to discuss Year 12 and my options but I’m not sure of the time, LOL! 



I haven’t been officially accepted back yet. But if they weren’t going to accept me, they would have held the meeting earlier?



I’m so confused think my head will explode!

Thank you Lyn for the Snoopy siggy xx

Tuesday, 29 August 2006

New Resolutions For A New School Year


Howdy folks!


My head has been in the clouds since I received my GCSE results on Thursday.  Words cannot express how I’m feeling at the moment.  I’m just so pleased at what I’ve achieved at this moment in time. 



On Thursday morning mum took me to my school to collect my results.  I met up with my mates Ross and Kailei. Later in the evening we went to cinema to watch “Stormbreaker”, which we all enjoyed.  The film is based on the “Alex Rider” novels written by Anthony Horowitz.  I love those books and would recommend them to anyone!



I have had twelve Congratulations cards in total which are standing with pride on my mantelpiece.  I’d like to thank Dawn for the lovely e-card which I received on Friday.



I never thought I’d type this but I’m really looking forward to going back to school next Tuesday.  I think everyone is looking forward to returning to study A-Levels, but when reality sets in we’ll soon come to regret all the hype.



I’m starting afresh; this is a new chapter of my life.  I am going to become more independent, more confident about my abilities and learn to trust people more.  I am going to take things in my stride and not let things worry me unnecessarily.  I am not going to stress or be paranoid anymore because it’s unhealthy!



I am determined to hand assignments in before the set deadline and not rely on extensions.  I’m sure I can rely on ‘Aunty’ Ally or ‘Granny’ Jan to keep me in line, LOL!



I have brought my new uniform.  I will have to wear black trousers with a white shirt.  Also I will have to wear a black jumper of cardigan in the wintertime.  A tie is also being supplied by the school.  I’m quite excited about wearing a tie as I have never worn one before.  I’m sure I shall look very smart in my new uniform.



This afternoon I went shopping with Margaret (the care worker) for school supplies.  I used my bus pass for the first time today since receiving it.  I showed the bus driver my pass and forgot the tickets!  Thank goodness Margaret was behind me.



I hope you will be thinking of me on my return to school and wishing me luck with the studies I now have to do.


Ciao for now, take care!


Monday, 28 August 2006

All Things Electric


You will never believe the weekend I have had!  Firstly the TV broke down, so had to get a new one.  Then the electricity was cut off.  The only things still working were the lights!  I couldn’t use my computer.  I felt so lost and even now I am suffering withdrawal symptoms being unable to use it.  I had never realised how dependant I’d become on my computer until the power cut.


Mum & dad went to Argos on Sunday morning on a mission!  They bought a 27” flat screen T.V with H.D which looks very cool in our front room.  For more information on H.D. and the digital takeover, click the link below:


~Switching Signals~


My friend Jessica appeared on “The X Factor” (the British version of “American Idol”) on Saturday night.  They only showed a short clip of her singing “Arms of an Angel” by Sarah McLachlan, but it’s better than nothing at all.  Sharon, Simon and Louis all said she was “fantastic” and put her through to boot camp in London.  I hope she goes on to be as famous as she would like to be.


Good luck Jess, we’re all rooting for you.  Hope you go far in the competition!



Postscript - I found the above clip on Youtube.  Jess is the second singer to perform in this montage. (0:30 to 0:15 secs)


Friday, 25 August 2006

What's In A Name?

This is me.


L Likes you for who you are.

E - Envisions the whole of you, even the unfinished parts.

I - Invites you over.

G - Gives unconditionally.

H - Helps you.


What about you?


A - Accepts you as you are.

B - Believes in you.

C - Calls you just to say "Hello".

D - Doesn't give up on you.

E - Envisions the whole of you, even the unfinished parts.

F - Forgives your mistakes.

G - Gives unconditionally,

H - Helps you.

I - Invites you over.

J - Just likes being with you.

K - Keeps your secrets.

L - Likes you for who you are.

M - Makes a difference in your life.

N - Never judges you.

O - Offers support.

P - Picks you up when you are down.

Q - Quiets your fears.

R - Raises your spirit.

S - Says nice things about you.

T - Trusts you.

U - Understands you.

V - Values you.

W - Welcomes you.

X - Xplains things you don't understand.

Y - Yells when you don't listen.

Z - Zaps you back to reality.




I did it!  I PASSED all my GCSE’s!!









English Language



English Literature






Home Economics: Child Development






Office Technology



Religious Studies



Double Award Science



Double Award Science







All that worrying and fretting on Wednesday evening seemed pointless and after all the excitement had died down I thought “What was I nervous for in the first place?”


Mum, dad and the rest of my family are very proud of my results.  Thank you everyone for your continuous love, support and encouragement during the last stressful two years.  I could not have done it without you, I love you all!!


I start back to school on 5th September.  I have been advised to take three A-Levels.  I have an interview that day with Mr. G, the Head of Sixth Form, about what A-Levels I would like to study.  I would like to study Computing, Health and Social Care and re-sit Mathematics.  But let’s see how the interview goes.


I can’t believe when I go back to school in September I will be an A-Level student.  Woo, I’m so excited!




Wednesday, 23 August 2006

Wishin' and Hopin'

Tomorrow’s the big day!



In my opinion, it’s the most important day of my life so far.



I shall receive my GCSE Results tomorrow morning.



I doubt I shall sleep tonight because of anxiety.



The turning point of my life.



My mind is full of worry.



What will I do I don’t pass these exams?



Will I return to school to study A-Levels?



I really don’t want to let anyone down.



Will I go back to school or attend college?



What will I do if I don’t get enough grades to do either?



I think every teenager in Britain is thinking or feeling like I am right now.  Their hopes, dreams and ambitions for the future hang in balance as we all await our results.  All we can do now is think positive and hope for the best.  At least the results in the envelope can’t get any worse.



Positive thinking = Positive results!!


Chill and Chat


Stuart has started a chat room especially for us bloggers.  We meet at 11:00a.m British time and would be really happy if you could join us for a pleasant hour or so.



We have tea, coffee with a selection of cakes or biscuits, and discuss a range of topics.  Bloggers, readers, writers... everyone is welcome!



I don’t usually like chat rooms.  I usually find it hard to keep up with what people are saying and they all type at the same time, which is confusing.  



But I will make an exception to this chat room as it was created for us and will improve my typing skills.


~Book Club Chat~



Thank you to Ally for providing me with today's graphics.  Don't those cakes look delicious?

Monday, 21 August 2006

Five and a half months, fourty five entries later...




The journals are three years old today and long may they continue.




I started writing this journal on 11th April 2006, five and a half months ago.  I used to read Jeanette’s journal and others on her sidebar, in amazement and wonder how you could all write so much.  I wanted to start one much earlier but I was put off because I thought I was a normal, everyday person who didn’t do much in life and no-one would be interested.


But then Lesley, a family friend suggested I write for the school newspaper but I didn’t see the point as then I wanted to go to college.  I knew I had to let the creativity flow somehow, and blogging seemed a good idea to set the world to rights!


The hardest thing was taking the first step and writing that introductory entry.  But I’m glad I did because I have made so many friends from J-Land, and we often keep in touch through e-mail.  Thank you to all those who read my journal and comment on it, I am so grateful for your continuous help, support and encouragement throughout these months, which has given me the confidence to carry on with my journal writing.


When I first started writing entries I didn’t expect anyone to read them, never mind comment on them.  It makes me want to write more and more!  My nan thinks it’s great because it improves my use of English, and mum & dad are pleased as journal writing keeps me occupied.


Thanks to Stevie for hosting the Red Carpet chat last night.  I had a great time and I’m sure our American friends did later on. But I found it confusing as many people were typing at the same time.  Stevie, as many others, must have got cross-eyed as he tried to keep up with who was coming and going!  I didn’t realise that chat room has been open for ages but we never use it.


Sunday, 20 August 2006

As One Door Closes...


Thanks to Donna (who's on my sidebar) for another amazing graphic!


Well that’s it!  Big Brother is over for another year.  Pete, a singer with Tourettes Syndrome won the series.  It was predicted that he would walk away with the prize money from Day One.  He will be best remembered for his outbursts of “W*****s!” and causing a massive swoon-a-thon with the women.



Welshman Glyn Wise was the runner-up (he should have won!).  The student and part-time lifeguard will be best remembered for his love of food, bleaching his hair peroxide blonde and all things Welsh! 



The biggest surprise of the night was Nikki voted out in fifth place.  Nikki will be best remembered for her over-the-top tantrums, being voted back into the House and the snog-a-thon which followed afterwards.  After being asked to leave the house for a second time, poor Nikki was inconsolable she couldn’t get an interview.  Sometimes I felt like strangling her because she was so childlike!!  But she was very entertaining.



Anyway that’s all over and I bet you this time next year we’ll be saying “Who?” Do you remember Bonnie (or "Bonner" as she pronounced it)?


Have a good evening, folks!



Stevie is hosting a chat session.  Hope you can join us to celebrate, here's the link:


~Special Interests - Journals Cafe~