A month ago, it was a normal school day. I got up at 7:00a.m, made my bed like I usually would. I had a shower, got out and wiped my back. I looked at the yellow towel I was holding, it was covered with fresh red blood.

I could feel something dripping down my back. I wiped with a fresh towel. I looked at that and it was covered with blood and pus. Puzzled I called mum, who suggested a skin tag had caught on something which caused the bleed. She wiped away the blood and put a plaster on it.

After three days, the ‘skin tag’ was still bleeding so we decided to go to mylocal G.P as an ‘Emergency case’. But unfortunately he wouldn’t see me. Then I made an appointment to see him two days later. I went to the surgery and the appointment slot at 10:30a.m came and went.

Three hours later, my name was called. The doctor examined my back. He didn’t know what it was so he couldn’t do anything and has referred me to a Dermatologist (skin specialist). I was annoyed as I’d waited three hours for a five minute check-up!

Just when I thought my day couldn’t get worse, I arrived home to discover a letter for the specialist hospital in Oswestry. As many of you know I had an operation three years ago on my legs to straighten them. I was discharged from the specialists last May, but I was kept on their books because they make me leg splints.

Well for some unknown reason I had been dropped from their books! Is this a good thing or bad thing? I was told I would have to have splints made by my local hospital. Mum and I were annoyed because we were told by the specialists that the splints I’d been wearing had not helped my condition, it had made it worse.

I don’t mind travelling three hours in the car because the end result is worthwhile. I get splints that are tailored exactly to my needs. Even if we have to pay for them, it doesn’t matter because they will be the best.

I went to see my G.P about this who said he will re-register me with the specialists shortly so that’s a good thing. He also said to make an appointment about the ‘skin tag’ on my back. We got a letter saying the appointment had been postponed as the Doctor is away indefinitely, so I’ll let you know the outcome in a later entry.

What would you do if you were in this situation? Has anyyone else had a doctor do a runner? Comments and any advice would be appreciated.