I feel absolutely great because I finished all my assignments earlier in the week. This is a big achievement for me, because usually I leave things until the last minute. By doing a little each day, I have managed to complete it, with some free time to indulge in now. I hope this can carry on into the next school term.

Tonight I am staying in again, not by choice. I really wanted to go out and see my friends this weekend. But they are staying home to save money for their holiday. Typical isn’t it? I was looking forward to it too.

Ross sounded very annoyed when I spoke to him on the telephone earlier this afternoon. He asked me ‘Why didn’t I go out with the group any more?’ In fact, it’s only been three weeks. I’ve had a lot of coursework to finish also.

My education is very important to me. If I don’t work, I won’t be successful and I won’t have a good job. I wish they could understand. After all, it doesn’t matter if I miss a night or two. There will be plenty of other opportunities.

Joan asked me in a comment, ‘What did I think of “The Birds” movie?’ I didn’t like it, and it wasn’t because of the gulls! I felt the movie had ended half finished. The storyline hadn’t come around full circle in my opinion. It felt as if there was more to come.

The Marc Almond concert was really good. Although, I didn’t know many of his songs, I enjoyed myself. I think he’s a good performer. One thing I found really irritating was his “theatrical” hand movements. My God, they must be his trademark, because he did the same moves all night. It looked like he was cleaning windows!

My mum and I sat four rows from the front of the stage, so we had a good view. He walked around the audience twice. At one point, he shook my hand, said “Hi” and smiled. My dear mum was swooning!
Right-o, that’s all my news for now, have a good weekend.