My hay fever has got worse these last few days. I can’t stop sniffing and sneezing wherever I am! My eyes become sore and runny from constantly rubbing them. The sneezing is a distraction to other people ~ it’s a good job I was in a separate room to sit my exams. This condition is making me feel really down at the moment.
I took my oldest cat to our local Vets on Monday as he was limping badly on his right foot. Luckily, there was a cancellation when we got there, so we were able to in to see the vet. Soapy has an abscess on his foot and was prescribed medication to be given. I am pleased to see he is much better now.
Yesterday I bought a new DVD to watch while the football is on. It’s called Brokeback Mountain. starring Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal. The film tells the story of two young men – a ranch-hand and a rodeo cowboy – who meet in the summer of 1963 and form a ‘friendship’ spanning over twenty years and it overcomes many obstacles.
This film won the “Best Film” and “Best Director” gong at this year’s BAFTA awards. Mum told me not to buy a DVD I’d already seen so I bought the film. I thought ‘Brokeback Mountain’ must be good if won awards. I thought it was a very realistic film as gay relationships are common nowadays. I am not gay and I have no problems with gay people. People can’t help who they fall in love with...
When my father found out I had bought the film, he was childish about it. He said I was wasting my money buying it. But there’s more to this film than a gay relationship, it has a strong moral throughout the film, which anyone can associate with. Anyone seen it ~ what you think?
Have a good evening!
Leigh xxx
Postscript (21:30p.m)
I feel so proud of myself! I have just learned how to transfer photos onto my Journal using "Hometown" ~ whoop whoop!!
Your cat is called soapy is that what inspired the name of your journal ,Ihope you enjoy the film ,Iagree with your sentiments regarding the film ,and would watch it too .....Jan xx
Loved the picture of Soapy glad his abscess is getting better ~ sorry your hayfever is making you feel low it can be awful this time of year ~ I really want to see Brokeback Mountain it did well at the BAFTAS the subject matter is something we all have our own opinions about but I certainly am open minded on the subject ~ Ally
well done hun. havent seen the film but will watch it
I stopped by to say thanks for visiting my journal, and I am glad I did. I saw Brokeback Mountain a couple of months ago, and thought it was an amazing film. My husband hated it, simply because he doesn't like to see men having intimate relations. He found it hard to see beyond that to the moral and compassionate side of the film. I think that it is more difficult for heterosexual men to do this.
Hi guy! TY for visiting me & leaving a comment. {{}}
Beautiful cat you have. Soapy is a cute name. Do you visit my pet journal? You might like it, altho I have dogs, I do cat entries once in a while for our kitty friends! LOL
Have a great week dear.
Gosh Leigh, you are wise beyond your years :o)
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