Sunday, 13 January 2008

Under Pressure

This weekend has gone terribly quick for my liking.  I have not done very much if I’m honest.  I have started revising for a Health & Social Care examination on the 24th January.  Keep your fingers crossed that I pass this exam.


I think it’s a good idea to sit early because students can re-sit later to push up their grade if they do badly.  However, I do not want that to happen to me.  I want a “decent” grade the first time around so I don’t have to waste time.


All my WBQ Key Skills portfolios have to be handed in to teachers by 1st February for marking.  For new readers, the Welsh Baccalaureate is in simple terms, lots of paperwork which show you have necessary qualities which employers look for such as, Good Communication, Working with Others, Problem Solving, Number, ICT Skills to name a few.  It all seems unnecessary to many students in Sixth Form, but it is all worth 120 points (an A grade) for University.


So at the moment, there is a lot of pressure to get things finished (or started, in some cases).  So forgive me if I do not comment on your journals each day.  I aim to get the majority of my WBQ work finished and signed off so I can focus solely on pending examinations.


I'm off to watch some T.V now, with a cuppa and a custard slice.  I hope all is well with you, readers.  Have a lovely week ahead.




Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))Good luck with your examination.Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

all the best,my fingers are crossed for you zoe xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

See you managed to get the tag links done, glad I was able to help