Saturday, 28 June 2008

School Ball Bother


Well, I have not been up to much since I have finished school.  I’m so bored and it’s nine days into the summer holidays.  I have been to the cinema a few times with some friends, but that’s it.  Other than that, I have been organising final arrangements for my School Ball, which is taking place tonight in Cardiff Bay.



I’m taking my good friend Kailei as my guest tonight.  I’m excited, but not as half as much as her!  I think that is what everyone is feeling today.  Last week, we had to arrange with another couple (Katie & Adam) a pick-up point for the limo.  What a palaver that was!



Kailei & I had a discussion with the other couple who are going to share the limo with us.  It was agreed that we would be picked up at Katie’s house.  Then we found out that the limo wouldn’t be able to turn in her street, so we thought we’d better change the pick-up point.





Kailei & I suggested that the limo pick us up from the  local pub.  The other couple agreed it would be nice to meet there and have one or two drinks before the Ball.  However, Katie said she would not change the pick-up point of the limo because she wanted to keep her mother happy.



I thought “What has your mum got to do with it?”  After all, she is nineteen and is capable of making her own decisions.  But no, she was standing firm, now she definitely wanted us to go to her house.  I don’t like going to people’s houses that much, unless I know the individual really well.  Otherwise, it gets awkward trying to think of things to talk about.  Later that night, it occurred to me that Katie’s mum may be a show off.



The next day, we made a compromise:  Kailei & I would be picked up at the pub and Katie & Adam would be picked up at Katie’s home.  Neither of us wanted that to happen, but it saves arguments.  I’m looking forward to it.  Both our families are going to meet at the pub to see us off.





A week last Thursday, I missed my suit fitting.  I didn’t even know I had one booked until last Wednesday when I phoned the shop.  I was more annoyed because the boutique had not phoned to remind me of the fitting, as they had promised.  Then, I became concerned in case there were any alterations to be made to the suit, so I rescheduled for the next day.  Touch wood, the suit fitted perfectly, so there were no alterations to be made.  Phew!




So, that’s what I have done this week.  I am really looking forward to the Ball now, as time draws near.  I am armed with my digital camera as usual.  So, I will take lots of pictures – that’s if the batteries don’t run out.




Anonymous said...

Glad you got the arrangements sorted out Leigh.  Sorry you are bored, I never used to because I read a lot and still do and also used to draw and paint etc. etc.  Also I walked the dog.  I am sure you will find more things to do.

Anonymous said...

First of all what a great entry loved the way you had taken the time to think up all the graphics well done.  Missed your entries while you have been away it is so quiet on here just now. Hope you have a great time tonight and all goes well. Love Joan              

Anonymous said...

Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Have a great time, and take lots of pictures!

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))HAve an AWSOME time.Take lots of pics.I love the cinder graffis.

Anonymous said...

Leigh hope you had a lovely time at the Ball ~ Hope you played Prince Charming to Kailei ~ I loved your graphics they were all so nice ~ and fitted in so well with your entry ~ Ally x