Saturday, 23 August 2008

Limo Trouble


Firstly, remember this entry?  Well, I have an update for you.  Kailei & I, along with the other couple WILL NOT be getting a refund from the limousine company.  This is because the company refuse to believe it was their fault that we broke down en route three times.  TOTAL BULL!




The driver said his boss knew that the limo had a strong chance of breaking down.  The manager said they would not give us anything back because the driver did the job.  He got us there from A to B.  But as they missed the professional photography session, they gave us a two bottles of wine to share and half an hour’s free ride in the limo whenever we wanted.




I’m sorry if I sound ungrateful, but in my opinon, for the amount of money we paid… that’s not worth it at all.



Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))I am sorry it didnt work out.

Anonymous said...

I would keep causing a fuss about that.  Don't give up.  They broke down, you missed the pictures, they owe you a refund!  Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

Keep pestering them Leigh until you get your refund ~  tell them you will write a piece in your Local Paper telling everyone what happened :o) ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

I agree with Missie, they should give you a refund.  Don't let them get away with this.      Dawn