Friday 24 November 2006

Stop Bullying Now! (Anti-Bullying Week)

Bullying takes many forms: name-calling, hitting, spreading rumours, stealing, excluding people and turning someone’s friends against them are just a few examples.


Why do bullies do it?

v     They could be angry about something, having problems at home or school, feeling insecure, unliked or jealous of their targets.

v     Although it’s hard to feel sorry for bullies, it might help to understand that happy people don’t need to make others feel unhappy or small.

v     Bullies try to make out it’s their target's fault for being different, but none of us are the same.

v     Remember, it’s the bullies who have a problem, not the people they target!

How can I make them stop?

v     It’s important to speak out. You have the right to live without being tormented.

v     Hitting back at bullies can make things worse and get you into trouble. Even if it helps you, the bully will soon be picking on someone else.

v     Keep a diary of what happens. It’ll help you decide what to do. It should also stop you missing out anything important and help show you’re telling the truth.

Who should I tell?

v     Tell as many people as you can. Sometimes just having things out in the open can be enough to make bullies stop.

v     If it’s at school, any of your teachers should be able to help, and your school should have an anti-bullying policy.

v     If you can’t tell your teachers, ask a parent or another adult to speak to them for you.


Anonymous said...

Great entry about a serious problem Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Bullying is one big problem today Leigh and in some places in the UK way out of hand as are many more things.Good though of you to put this out in J/Land many mums might bring the attantion of this topic to there children through reading your entry.Hope you had a good break by the way.Good to read you are back safe and sound.Take care.

Anonymous said...

Leigh this is really a very good entry ~ Bullying is out of hand at some Schools and Workplaces ~ this entry may help someone face up to being bullied or even make a Bully think twice before he does it again ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Thats a brill entry Leigh. The bullying band i heard about months ago but i remember people were getting bullied for wearing them!