Friday 15 June 2007

'Dear J-Land...'


My examinations are over!  I had my last one on Monday.  WOO HOO! *Happy dance* I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.  But there is no rest for the wicked as we have began our new A2 courses earlier!



In English, we have been given four more novels to study.  They are “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale” by Geoffrey Chaucer, “The Island of Apples” by Glyn Jones and “Sons and Lovers” by D.H. Lawrence.  We do not know what other book we are studying yet.



The same teachers will continue the course.  I’ve heard it’s a “racy” book and Mr. X hasn’t retired, and taught us poetry last year tends to “focus too much on things that weren’t relevant”.  I’m a bit concerned he will focus too much on the sexiness in the book.



Sex is normal.  It’s a wonderful thing that happens between two people who love each other.  I just don’t feel comfortable talking openly about sex because it’s ‘private’.



At home, the subject is ‘swept under the carpet’ and not spoken of much.  I have a feeling English Literature is going to turn into a Sex Ed lesson and there’s probably going to be lots of blushing going on!



I’m 17 years old.  I shouldn’t really feel uncomfortable about sex.  I don’t know why I feel this way.  I am going to have to mature quickly during the next few months.  No nervous laughing or blushing at the thought, I can’t help it!



Is this normal or is there something wrong with me?  Any advice you have would really help.





Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))I am glad your examantions are over and nnow you can relax and have a nice weekend.Try to realx.

Anonymous said...

your only 17. you have alot of growing and learning to do. i'm 46 and still feel uncomfortable talking about sex, lol.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, everyone matures in their own way........I thought my son was going to be very sweet and innocent until he was in his such luck!!! 17 came along and there was no stopping him, he's settled down now, at 25, though as he is happy with his fiancee and little boy!

Anonymous said...

Glad all your exams are over ~ when will you know the results ? ~ hope you enjoy those new books you have to read for English ~ I think once the whole class gets involved in discussing the 'racy' book you will be able to chat about it without being embarrassed ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Hi Leigh, please don't worry of the subject of sex it will all come to-gether in its own time just try and be relaxed about it after all its the most natural thing in the world. Glad all your exams are over and done with, now try and have a rest you have earned it. Kathie.