Tuesday 13 February 2007

Work Experience - Day 2


I was dropped off by the school gates this morning by my grandmother.  I walked in through the entrance.  Standing there to greet me was Daniel.  He said he would wait for me to arrive, as he did not want me to get lost on my way to class (Awww, isn’t that sweet!)



I followed him into the classroom and sat down.  I was told by their teacher I would help another group, as they attempt to solve some more division problems.  The majority were okay with them, and did not need any help.  But some were really competitive and kept shouting the answers at each other, LOL!



In the afternoon, ‘Super Chef’ Leigh was at the rescue once again!  I helped a group of nine pupils in their weekly cookery lesson make sandwiches.  They are quite a big class of thirty two students, so some more people will cook tomorrow and another on Thursday.



The sandwiches contained a variety of fillings, such as ham, cheese and tomato sauce and bacon and sausage smothered in brown sauce.  The lesson left my mouth watering with all the lovely aromas of the food.  Tomorrow, the children will have to write an evaluation of how the sandwich tasted and how it could be better next time.



I think it's better to teach cookery skills to younger pupils so they can learn to look after themselves when they grow older.



After that lesson, Daniel showed me a story he had written about a fire-breathing dragon.  

Then he asked me, “Sir, when are you leaving us?”

“Friday”, I said, “Why?”

He replied: “Sir, please don’t go, I want you to stay to help me”.

“Don’t worry, I’m still here for three days yet”, I said.

“I’m glad; see you tomorrow, Mr. Edwards”.



Awww, by the end of the day, I felt really guilty I was leaving them on Friday, but inevitably all good things come to an end sooner or later.


Until tommorrow, good night folks!



Thanks to my ADC Group for providing graphics.


Anonymous said...

Those sarnys sound delicious ...love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Leigh I think you have found your true vocation in teaching children ~ Daniel sounds like a nice little lad ~ and those sandwiches they made sounded delicious ~ look forward to hearing how the rest of the week goes ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

`Mr Edwards'' lessons sound satisfying and fun.  Bunny x

Anonymous said...

A bacon and sausage one please Mr Edwards.Oh! dear Leigh when I read your name I was ROFL.It reminded me of when the old film star Jimmy Edwards used to play the part af a headteacher at a school called chisselbury .The TV show was called Whacho maybe your nan will remember this show or mum..Hope you don't end up growing a moustache like MR Edwards LOL.If I have spelt that correctly.If not show me how teacher please.LOL!! You are certainly a winning young man Leigh sounds the children love you already WEll Done.Take Care.
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES