Thursday 15 February 2007

Work Experience - Day 4


Today has been very chaotic!  The pupils had their photographs taken to celebrate Saint David’s Day.  Unfortunately, one of the pupils did not appear in it.  The children had lined up to go to the Hall.



One of the boys Kevin stayed behind to ‘wait for his sister’ as he was going home for dinner.  He didn’t have a rugby top, so the teacher asked him to put on his red school jumper.  That way he would not stand out from the other pupils.



I asked him why he was not at the hall with everyone else he said “I do not have a rugby top”.  So I repeated his teacher’s instructions.  He disappeared for a while afterwards, so I assumed he had gone to get his photo taken.



Five minutes later, the class returned asking where Kevin was, and why he wasn’t with them.  Turns out he didn’t want his photograph taken for the local newspaper.  As you can imagine, the staff were very disappointed.



Then, that afternoon a child’s lunch money was stolen from his locker.  So the afternoon was spent trying to find out who had taken it.  I helped a group make the last batch of sandwiches.  Another group wrote out their evaluations, and another watch a DVD called “High School Musical”.



At the end of the day, I was given some gifts from the children.  Daniel made me a leek badge out of tissue paper to wear on St. David’s Day.  I also helped Daniel make a Valentine’s card ‘for a girl he really liked’ yesterday.  He said “It’s a thank you card for you, Sir”.  On the inside, he had written:

To Mr. Edwords,

Thank you for everythin.

From Dan J

(Awww bless him!)


One girl called Nia, drew me a picture of a flower with the words “Thank you for the sunny days!”  I think I shall keep a scrapbook of the mementoes the children have made for me.



I hope the children won’t be too upset as it is my last day tomorrow.  I shall be returning back to the school after half term to do some voluntary work, so the kids haven’t got rid of me that easily!


Ciao for now xxx



Anonymous said...

Awww, sounds like the kids really love you, Leigh! And why wouldn't they? You're awesome. I'm sure they will be sad to see you go, but ecstatic to have you back later. Hope the last day of work goes well, take care!


Anonymous said...

Leigh so pleased everything is going well and what a lovely idea to keep a scrap book of all the mementos ~ will bring back happy memories for you later ~ enjoy your last day ~ but glad for the children you will be going back ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Poor Kevin !  I wonder why he didn't want his photo taken   Bunny x

Anonymous said...

Another lovely day you had Leigh thats good.How nice to keep a scrapbook.I think this will be lovely to look back on in a few yrs time.Keep up the good work,sorry the comment is a little late,but been resting the neck LOL!!I await Fridays posting.It's much better today thank goodness.Take Care.